Computer Modeling and Simulation of Electrodynamic Processes
Master's programme
About the program
Admission requirements
Graduates with Bachelor's, Master's degrees, or diploma holders from RA state and other non-state universities accredited/institutionally accredited have the opportunity to apply for admission to the program for the 2023/2024 academic year (full-time and part-time).
The admission will be carried out by the requirements of the "YSU Master's degree (full-time and part-time) admission procedure".
The aim of the program
The program aims to prepare qualified personnel who are proficient in modern methods of computer modeling and simulation of radiophysical phenomena and electronic telecommunications devices, capable of investing their knowledge in fundamental and applied fields, to provide students with knowledge and skills on the principles and features of computer modeling and design of radiophysical problems, and to develop in students skills in the implementation of professional complete projects.
Upon the completion of the program, the students will be equipped with professional knowledge and understanding, practical professional, and general (transferable) abilities.
The graduates will be able to distinguish and coordinate the main frequency ranges and limits of applicability of the radio frequency range and their significance from the point of view of civil and military purposes, to formulate the features and problems of the generation, propagation, and detection of electromagnetic waves in the sub-millimeter, terahertz, and optical ranges, to indicate the ways of solving them, to present the types and characteristics of materials with basic composite and anisotropic conductivity in the microwave and THz ranges and the characteristics of the physical and chemical phenomena occurring in them, to present the protocols and algorithms used and planned in modern communication systems, to work on remote sensing and remote control in the radio frequency and terahertz ranges used in science, production, security, and military fields with implementing devices, knowing the principles of their operation.
The student will also introduce computer simulation models of radiophysical problems using modern computer packages, apply computer modeling and simulation software packages in the design of modern nodes (waveguides, resonators, filters, etc.) of radio frequency devices, and ensure the required parameters, carry out agreement and compatibility assessment in design devices, combine the characteristics of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the radio range, improve the basic parameters of radio receivers, emitters in separate nodes of remote sensing and remote control systems, use the electromagnetic, micromechanical and optical properties of nanoscale systems for the assessment of technological limitations in electrophysical, electrochemical, biological processes and modeling of new mechanisms.
Using modern sources of information (print and online literature), the student will classify and analyze information to formulate practical problems and propose solutions, analyze and present the research results, prepare reports and conduct scientific seminars, successfully integrate and work in research groups, as well as to manage scientific and productive associations, while being guided by professional ethics rules.
Career opportunities
Graduates have the opportunity to continue their education both in the Postgraduate courses of the same faculty and in other universities and research institutes.
Upon completing the program, graduates work at the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of RA NAS, the Armenian branch of "National Instruments" CJSC, "YEA Engineering" CJSC, Armenian mobile communication operators, etc.