General information
In recent decades bacteria belonging to Thermus spp. are of biotechnological interest. As a consequence of growth at high temperature and unique macromolecular properties, thermophilic bacteria can possess high metabolic rates, physically and chemically stable enzymes, and higher end product yields. Thermophilic processes appear more stable, rapid and cheaper. These bacteria have application in chemical feedstock, fuel production, enzyme technology, single cell protein production. They possess major nutritional categories and metabolize the same substrates as mesophiles. Thermus scotoductus K1 is newly isolated strain from geothermal spring outlet (Karvachar, Nagorno Karabakh). However, data for physiology, metabolic pathways and more importantly biochemistry and bioenergetics of the genus are scarce, therefore, it is indispensable to report and study strain K1. It is planned to study several biological characteristics of strain K1, investigate fundamental biochemical and bioenergetic parameters. This research will give global understanding of T. scotoductus K1 physiology, which will be used to widen the broads of its biotechnological application potential in modern technologies corresponding to human needs and demands.