QA Structures
To form the regulatory and methodological basis of YSU QA processes the "Permanent Commission for Quality Assurance of the Scientific Council of YSU" was established In February 2012, (reconfirmed according to the decisions: 2/8.9.3 and 8/8.3. The commission includes seven members from Academic Councils of administrative, teaching, and student (one student) bodies. The commission also has its own working procedure, approved by the YSU Board of Trustees in March 2017.
To implement the YSU QA processes in the faculties in a more systematic and purposeful way, permanent quality assurance committees attached to YSU scientific units were created. The QA standing committee of each educational unit (faculty, institute, or center) includes four members, including one student.
Among the main functions of these commissions are:
- Ensuring the quality of educational processes in faculties,
- Organization and control of the processes of approval, monitoring and periodic review of educational programs.