General information
Bats are one of the largest order of mammals, most diverse and most geographically dispersed vertebrates. They are also important disease reservoirs and hosts of many bacterial and viral pathogens. Bats may play a significant role in transmission of human and veterinary diseases, especially in areas with large synurban bat populations. Several studies suggest that living close to bats increases the likelihood of zoonotic disease transmission. Armenia hosts 30 species of bats. The status of these animals as reservoir for bacterial and viral pathogens is unknown. Thus, the aim of this project is to determine the role of bats as reservoir of bacterial and viral disease with zoonotic potential in Armenia. Ticks, blood and fecal samples collected annually from bats captured from various geographical areas in the territory of Armenia will be subject to single or nested PCR approach. The study will reveal the presence of known and novel infectious agents in bats in Armenia. According with the ecological features of bat species studied, spatial models of pathogen distribution will be constructed to outline risk bat-borne disease occurrence in rural and urban areas of Armenia.