E-beam induced micropattern generation and amorphization of L-cysteine-functionalized graphene oxide nano-composites
Essential L-Amino Acid-Functionalized Graphene Oxide for Liquid Crystalline Phase Formation
Strong light absorption and absorption absence in photonic crystals with helical structure in an external static magnetic field
Magnetically Induced Transparency in Media with Helical Dichroic Structure
Multimode Robust Lasing in a Dye-Doped Polymer Layer Embedded in a Wedge-Shaped Cholesteric
Lasing peculiarities in cholesteric multilayer structure with dye-doped polymer film depending on the concentration of laser dye and pumping energy
Spectral Peculiarities of Multilayer Cholesteric Wedge-Cell System with Dye-Doped Polymer Layer
Diffusion in liquid crystals of two cholesterics with different pitches.
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Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Polarization Plane Rotation of Light in Nanoparticle-Enriched Chiral liquid-crystaliine Photonic Structures with an Anisotropic Defect Layer
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Asymmetric Transmission liquid-crystals of Two Cholesterics with Different Pitches and Chiralities
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Nonreciprocal Transmission in Electro-Tunable Cholesterics
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Optical Properties of Polymer-Dispersed Cholesteric Liquid- Crystalline Wedge-Cell
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Lasing in Cholesteric-Polymer Wedge-Cell System
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Light energy accumulation by cholesteric liquid crystal layer at oblique incidence
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Lasing polarization peculiarities in cholesterics separated by dye-doped polymeric layer
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Controlling Possibilities of Functionalized Graphene Oxide Liquid Crystalline Microdroplets
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Spatial evolution of light polarization in wedge-shaped cholesteric liquid crystal cell
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Lasing in three-layer cholesteric-dye-doped polymer-cholesteric sandwich cell
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The role of the geometric phase in cholesteric with a defect layer toward multimodal robust lasing
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Filtering of terahertz radiation by a metasurface structure